Sql-server – loadBalancing/clustering on IIS/ASP.Net/SQL Server

clusterhigh-availabilityiisload balancingsql server

I've to create an offer for a future ASP.NET application. They wants an high availability(99.9%+).

So I'm searching the best solutions with .Net technologies(asp.net mvc 3, IIS 7, SQL Server 2008 R2) to ensure this availability.


  1. Is there a way to do some clustering on IIS Servers?
  2. What is the way to ensure this availability with the SQL Server? Replicate the data between two servers(I already know doing this)+switch to the second server if the first isn't available(don't know doing this), or is there a way to directly declare a cluster of database and every sql instruction is writen in two or more database?

One other goal is also that if I've two IIS Server and two SQL Server, to improve the performance, by using some loadbalancing. Is this possible?

Thank you very much for your suggestions/link

Best Answer

For SQL Server, start here: High Availability Solutions Overview. Pay particular attention to the sections on Failover Clustering, which sounds like the solution you're looking for.