Sql-server – MS SQL server: Single or multiple instances

performancesql server

How costly (CPU or memory wise) is it to have multiple instances of SQL server 2005 instead of only one instance with prefixed databases?

A company have three application providers. They each will install one application and they each require two or three databases. Should they all use the same instance or should every provider use it's own named instance?

Is there any strong reason for one or other setup?

Best Answer

The only strong reason to install separate instances on same hardware is if you have very very stringent security isolation requirements. Otherwise is always better to have only one instance. One single instance can better optimize all hardware resources for the load you're facing. Multiple instances don't communicate to each other and they overlap the memory, I/O and CPU load resulting in worse performance.

Also a single instance is easier to administer, monitor and troubleshoot rather than separate instances.