Sql-server – Need a resource that lists WMI perfmon classes

sql serverwmi

Does anyone have links to resources that list perfmon classes that are called by the WMI Query Language? I have some monitoring software that can pull data via WMI but I have to enter a query in WMI Query Language (WQL). Here is an example:

SELECT AvgDiskQueueLength FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_logicalDisk WHERE Name="_Total"

So I have an idea of the syntax but I'm trying to figure out the different classes, specifically some of the MS SQL ones. I've tried using the Scriptomatic tool to explore the SQL server WMI info but there isn't anything related to the SQL Server.

The server OS is Windows 2003, running MS SQL Server 2000.

Best Answer

You can use PowerShell to list classes in a namespace.

get-wmiobject -list

will list all classes in the default ("\root\cmiv2") namespace, the -namespace parameter can be used to specify a different namespace.

To get all the performance classes, use either:

get-wmiobject -list | ?{$_.Name -like 'Win32_PerfRaw*'}

for raw data, or:

get-wmiobject -list | ?{$_.Name -like 'Win32_PerfForm*'}

for formmater data. Perfmon shows formatted data (processed by counter type), raw is what the performance counter provider is sending without any further processing.

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