Sql-server – Oracle Vs SQL Server to handle around 6-7 Terabytes of data

databaseoracleperformancesql server

I am looking for some valid points to choose between Oracle Vs SQL Server to handle around 5-6 Terabytes of data. This data will get accumulated over a period of 8 Months. Any data older then 8 months is purged out of the database.

I am considering Oracle 11G Standard Edition and SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition.

I am not looking for ease of development, I am purely looking in terms of handling the huge data and still be able to provide good performance. Apart from performance if there is any parameter which makes any difference then please highlight.

I know price wise there is a lot of difference but that is not a factor if the performance difference is a lot.

I hope to get non-biased answers and no religious war.

Best Answer

You won't like this answer, but neither. Oracle and MS SQL Server are roughly equal in terms of their large scale data handling (SQL Server can take an edge in ease of use, Oracle in utility), and when it really comes down to the raw data PostgreSQL can actually edge them both out by a very small margin when optimized.

But if you really want a "big" database, the kind that is proven to work well when you are making legitimate use of 64bit ID columns and TBs of data, then it's (IBM) DB2.

(So far as the religious wars go, I'm an SQL Server guy, but even I know its limits)