Sql-server – Read SQL Server Backup File on Mac OS X

mac-osxsql server

I have a .bak file from an SQL Server database on an old hosting account, is there any way to view this file with an application on Mac OS X? All I need to do is get the data out of it.



EDIT: I see that you can't read the file on Mac OS, however is there a relatively easy way to split the .bak file into it's component .mdf and .ldf files? A Mac solution is preferable but anything that doesn't require SQL Server to be installed is good. Thanks.

Best Answer

Short answer: No.

There is a similar question on Stackoverflow that is somewhat related.

The .bak file is actually two files in one - a .mdf (data) and an .ldf (logs)

If you are somehow able to load the .bak file back into SQL Server you could then export a format that could be read.

Alternatively you can always try opening it in your favourite text editor (eg. TextMate, TextWrangler, BBEdit, emacs, vim, etc.) and see what information you can pull from the file.