Sql-server – Reporting Services 2008 configuration for basic authentication using username and password

iis-7sql serverssrs

I want to configure Reporting Services 2008 to use a custom defined username and password for access. I read that I must set reporting services to do basic authentication :


But I didn't find specified a location where I might create usernames and passwords.

Best Answer


Reporting Services 2008 uthenticates against the Local Security Authority (LSA). Anything the LSA can authenticate against can be a credential source, but "out of the box" you're talking about local user accounts on the server computer itself, domain user accounts in the domain the server is a member of, and, if there are any, accounts in trusted domains (or trusted Kerberos realms).

(Thanks, MattB, for pointing out that Reporting Servers 2008 doesn't use IIS anymore.)