Sql-server – Should the Database be on the same box as the web server or separate

iisperformancesql server

Im using SQL Server 2005 and IIS6. I have each on separate boxes (Quad cpu, 4G). Client wants to consolidate on to one box. This is an Enterprise application with 400 users. Performance is good now, but I question any savings to consolidate with performance changes, management of services. So for 1) future features/growth , 2) performance, 3) Modularity, other?, move to 1 box or keep on 2.

Best Answer

I'm pretty much 100% Linux-based, but I think some common principles apply.

If you expect to scale, having the servers separate even if just using virtualization software provides you with the ability to easily add nodes as needed and load balance between them - it also provides for better security, as you only open the ports you need.

Having a database server on the box I found is good for supplementary services like mail servers, or some other configuration tool that uses a backend database... these footprints are relatively small, and scalability is less of a concern.