Sql-server – SQL Reporting Services email subscription configuration

emailsql serverssrs

I'm trying to configure a Microsoft SSRS 2014 server to send out emails. As far as I can tell all the settings are correct in RS Configuration Manager, and I can send an email from the server itself using TELNET commands to our SMTP provider (so I believe it's unlikely to be connectivity).

The error in the SSRS logs looks like a DNS error, but I can resolve the name of "mydomain.com" on the SSRS server using NSLOOKUP. (This is not the real domain name, just illustrating)

Where else should I be looking?



emailextension!WindowsService_9!4b8!06/29/2020-10:00:12:: e ERROR: Error sending email. Exception: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'mydomain.com'

Best Answer

You can verify setting in the Extension Name="Report Server Email" section of your rsreportserver.config file.

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