Sql-server – SQL Server account disabled even in single user mode

sql serversql-server-2008-r2

I'm integrating with a third-party product via its SQL Server 2008 R2 database. In a previous version, I was able to access the database via SQL Server Management Studio and SQLCMD as a Windows administrator using Windows authentication.

The third-party product controls the sa account and keeps the password a secret.

After applying the vendor's latest product update, I can no longer access the database using Windows authentication. I even tried single mode, but no luck.

Here's how I switched to single mode:


That seems to start the database.

C:\>sqlcmd /S .\FOOBAR
Msg 18470, Level 14, State 1, Server WINMAC\FOOBAR, Line 1
Login failed for user 'WINMAC\steve'. Reason: The account is disabled.

Is there a way in? Or is it more likely the vendor has closed a hole and I can't get in?

Best Answer

Using PSExec to connect to an instance using the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account:


However bear in mind that you may be breaking some contract, just wanted to note it :)

Original author is here