Sql-server – SQL Server Express 2008 Not Starting Automatically after Power Off

hyper-vsql serverwindows-server-2008

One of our clients has a Windows 2008 Hyper-V instance hosted by CrystalTech, and sometimes the parent Hyper-V server is restarted without the child VM's being shut down properly.

As a result, when the server comes back online, the SQL Server Express service in the VM does not start, even though it is set for Automatic. There are no error entries in the event log. If you reboot the server normally, SQL Server Express starts itself just fine.

Has anyone had this issue? Any tips for resolving it?

On a side note, does anyone have any nice scripts/methods for notifications to be emailed when the server shuts down unexpectedly?

On another side note, does anyone know any good hosts for Hyper-V VM's?

Best Answer

Very strange. I think there is something strange going on here. If you have TechNet or MSDN, I'd burn a case with MS to solve this. There might be some strangeness with your environment or default Windows or SQL Server install that is causing this.

One thing you could do is set a Task scheduler item as noted above to start it up.

If you set a restart the service on failure, will that work?