Sql-server – SQL Server: One 12-drive RAID-10 array or 2 arrays of 8-drives and 4-drives

performanceraidraid10sql server

Setting up a box for SQL Server 2008, which would give the best performance (heavy OLTP)? The more drives in a RAID-10 array the better performance, but will losing 4 drives to dedicate them to the transaction logs give us more performance.

12-drives in RAID-10 plus one hot spare.


8-drives in RAID-10 for database and 4-drives RAID-10 for transaction logs plus 2 hot spares (one for each array).

We have 14-drive slots to work with and it's an older PowerVault that doesn't support global hot spares.

Best Answer

I would go 10/2. Logs are usally small and sequential, and your RAID controller should be able to queue them efficiently enough to write them onto 2 disks in raid 1 without disturbing the rest. If your RAID controller can't do this then forget about any split and just go 12 if you are in a hurry. If you've got time run some tests and see what works. Shame about the lack of global hot spares, but anyway it sounds like you've got a decent box to play around with.

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