Sql-server – SQL Server tempdb size seems large, is this normal

sql serversql-server-2008

From what I understand the system database is used to hold temporary tables, intermediate results and other temporary information.

On one of my database instances I have a tempdb that is seems very large (30GB). This database has not been modified (as in "last modified date" on the mdf file) in over a week. Is it normal to have the temp db remain that large for that long of a period? It seems to me that it should be updating fairly often and returning space that it is using fairly quickly…

Am I way off here or is SQL Server doing something weird?

FYI: This is a SharePoint 2010 database, not sure if that makes a difference.

Best Answer

TempDB will not AUTOSHRINK, and you cannot set TempDB to AUTOSHRINK. If your TempDB grew to 30GB, it likely grew to that size for a reason, so if you do re-size it to be smaller, it will likely just grow to that size again.

Check out the following links for some suggestions for configuring TempDB:

Optimizing TempDB Performance

Capacity Planning for TempDB

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