Sql-server – Timeout saving table in SQL Server

sql serversql-server-2005ssmstimeout

I'm trying to add a column to a table with much data in SQL Server 2005, using SSMS.

So I browse to the table, select Modify, and add the new column. Then, when I press Save, I get the following warning:

Saving Definition Changes to tables
with large amounts of data could take
a considerable amount of time. While
changes are being saved, table data
will not be accessible

I'm OK with that, the DB is offline and I have all the time in the world, so I press Yes.

However, the operation then proceeds to time out after about 30 seconds with this message:

Unable to modify table. Timeout
expired. The timeout period elapsed
prior to completion of the operation
or the server is not responding.

Then, when I press OK:

User canceled out of save dialog (MS
Visual Database Tools)

I don't get that. I have set the execution timeout to 0 (infinite) both in the SSMS connection dialog and under Tools -> Options -> Query Execution -> SQL Server. What is the point of setting an execution timeout if it's just ignored?

Does anyone know what timeout-value is being used here, and how I can set it?

Best Answer

Sounds like a timeout setting. So your SSMS thinks it takes too long and cancels the connection for you. The SQL server roles back. But there is help. You are not the first person to encounter this.

See here.

For everybody who doesn't want to click the link. Here is the price winning answer:

After hitting the same error, I stumbled upon the corrent setting.

In the Management Studio, from the Tools menu, select Options, then click "Designers". There is an option called "Override connection string time-out value for table designer updates:" In the "Transaction time-out after:" box, you will see the magic 30 seconds

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