Sql-server – What happenes to Data when Certificated expires in SQL Server 2005

sql server

I am trying to encrypt a column in sql server 2005 using Certificate and Symmetric Key

what happens to data after certificate expires?

I read in some Blog that sql server does not validate the expire date of certificate and user will still be able to encrypt and decrypt using the expired certificate

Is this true,If yes,Can someone point me to a Microsoft KB Article (or) Books online page, Which states that Sql Server does not validate the Certificate Expire Data and user will still be able to Encrypt and Decrypt the Data using the expired certificate


Best Answer

You can view the official documentation for the CREATE CERTIFICATE statement in Books Online, excerpt here:

EXPIRY_DATE = 'mm/dd/yyyy'
Is the date on which the certificate expires. If not specified, EXPIRY_DATE will be set to a date one year after START_DATE. EXPIRY_DATE is in UTC time and can be set to the granularity of the second. SQL Server Service Broker checks the expiration date; however, expiration is not enforced when the certificate is used for encryption.