Sql-server – Which SQL files benefit the most from RAID 10 vs RAID 5

raidsql serverstorage-area-network

Assuming I can't put everything on RAID10, which parts of SQL (Data files, log files, TempDB, Backups, etc) benefit the most from being on RAID 10 instead of RAID5?

Does it depend on the type of database (OLTP vs Reporting vs Analysis)?

What kind of actual performance increase should I see going from RAID5 to RAID10? 10%? 50%? 200%??

Technical details: New HP XP24000 disk array, using 300GB 15k drives

We have to make some decisions up front about how much will be provisioned as RAID5 (28×4) vs RAID10 (4+4). This is a one-time provisioning, and can't be changed later, so we're trying to find the right balance of cost/GB vs performance benefit.

Best Answer

OLTP - RAID10 Logs, Data RAID5
OLAP - RAID10 Data

Read speed is more critical in OLAP, in OLTP you generally want log write speed.

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