Improving SQL Performance – RAM vs Faster Hard Disks

hard drivememoryperformanceraidsql

People keep telling me that in order to improve an SQL server's performance, buy the fastest hard disks possible with RAID 5, etc.

So I was thinking, instead of spending all the money for RAID 5 and super-duper fast hard disks (which isn't cheap by the way), why not just get tonnes of RAM? We know that an SQL server loads the database into memory. Memory is wayyyy faster than any hard disks.

Why not stuff in like 100 GB of RAM on a server? Then just use a regular SCSI hard disk with RAID 1. Wouldn't that be a lot cheaper and faster?

Best Answer

Your analysis is fine -- to a point -- in that it absolutely will make things faster. You still have to account for a couple of other issues though:

  1. Not everyone can afford enough memory; when you have multiple terabytes of data, you have to put it on disk some time. If you don't have much data, anything is fast enough.

  2. Write performance for your database is still going to be constrained by the disks, so that you can keep the promise that the data was actually stored.

If you have a small data set, or don't need to persist it on disk, there is nothing wrong with your idea. Tools like VoltDB are working to reduce the overheads that older assumptions in RDBMS implementations made which constrain pure in-memory performance.

(As an aside, people telling you to use RAID-5 for database performance are probably not great folks to listen to on the subject, since it is almost never the best choice - it has good read performance, but bad write performance, and writes are almost always the production constraint - because you can throw RAM into caching to solve most read-side performance issues.)

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