SQL Server 2005 – Fixing Stuck in Single User Mode


Hey currently have a database stuck in single mode after setting it to single mode to attempt to try take if offline which I wish I never did….

I tried


but get

Msg 5064, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Changes to the state or options of
database 'DB' cannot be made at this
time. The database is in single-user
mode, and a user is currently
connected to it. Msg 5069, Level 16,
State 1, Line 1 ALTER DATABASE
statement failed.

When I right click on Database to go to i.e. properties I get

Database "DB" is already open and can only have one user at a time.

Any Ideas ?

Best Answer

SELECT * from sys.databases --> get database_id from the database.

SELECT * FROM MASTER..SysProcesses WHERE dbid = [thedbid] (insert your db id)

Look up the spid to kill

KILL [theid]