Squid: allow only certain youtube videos (solved for FF, not working on IE)


At my job, I'm not the systadmin but a linux programmer. But once in a while the sysadmins (who generally aren't that knowledgeable about linux) ask me for help. Today the sysadmin asked me to allow access to only specified YouTube videos with squid v2.6 (why not 2.7? probably because that's what several predecessors ago installed …)

I put added lines to squid.conf to allow that one video, then I watched access.log for more URLs that got TCP_DENIED. Eventually I had them all allowed, and that one video played.

acl youtube_allow url_regex ^http://www.youtube.com/v/a17SaWJwBVM$
acl youtube_allow url_regex ^http://www.youtube.com/crossdomain.xml$
acl youtube_allow url_regex ^http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info\?
acl youtube_allow url_regex ^http://s.youtube.com
acl youtube_allow url_regex ^http://www.youtube.com/ptracking\?
acl youtube_allow url_regex ^http://o-o.preferred.*c.youtube.com/videoplayback
http_access allow youtube_allow
acl youtube_domains dstdomain .youtube.com .googlevideo.com
http_access deny youtube_domains 

But on internet explorer 8, http://www.youtube.com/v/a17SaWJwBVM displays a blank window, and nothing turns up in access.log as DENIED. Aside from forcing everyone to use FF (not a bad idea, but possibly beyond our abilities) is there any way to make this viewable by IE users?

Note that we're not trying to cache the video. On FF all the youtube URLs appear as TCP_MISS and that's fine.

Best Answer

It may be possible that you are only watching what is currently in your webcache.

As you may be aware any proxy administrator on any network SHOULD acknowledge nocache headers etc... As I remember Youtube states nocache... It's simple netiquette.

If you are a home user simply install the FlashGot Addon in Firefox and save the file locally.

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