Squid blacklist solution


I've installed squid proxy server for a company and now they ask me to add blacklisting capabilities for squid.

The most obvious thing that comes to mind is just to find a huge blacklist file on the internet and hook it up to squid configuration as external file.

The other option is to use dedicated solution like squidguard.

I also want to include ability to edit and add entries to a black list through web interface. Although it's not strictly necessarily since I can write it myself with php.

I would welcome any suggestions. My main priority is performance and reliability and if possible I'd like to keep it simple.

Best Answer

It's been quite some time since I've done this. However I worked at a religious boarding school for a while, and they liked to block everything.

I've been looking for the same feed, however I can't seem to find it. The way I did it was to find a list that was maintained on the net, and I wrote a simple bash script to curl the list, echo it out into the appropriate list, and then restart squid.

Simple, I realize, and unless you're an employee there all the time, it might be untenable. Hope the idea helps, but I'm pretty sure you are on the right track.

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