Squid doesn’t cache anything at all


I have configured squid for anonymous search and cache proxy. Initially it was working well, after two weeks it becomes slow(loading web page become slow) then again I had to looked into squid. I saw there was updated standard version of squid then I did update squid from 3.1.19 to 3.2.4. Now squid is running all the traffic from our network going through squid proxy server only. I see again internet connection is slow then I enabled cache feature in squid as

cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid3 10240 32 512
cache_mem 256 MB

I checked the size of cache as

du -sh /var/cache/squid3


65 M

I checked the size of cache again after one day I see same 65 M, squid didn't cache anything at all. what would be the problem? should I configure anything else.

And the internet connection is very slow.

Best Answer

The fact that there is nothing in the access.log suggests that the requests from clients aren't being routed through Squid at all but something else on the same server.

Could you post more information about your setup, Squid config and what you actually have on the same box (censoring it first of course).