Squid Proxy on Windows fail to start

PROXYsquidwindows 8

I have a squid proxy running fine on windows , but when I introduce the line

url_rewrite_program C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Squid\scripts\1.py

Then squid will fail to start with

System error 1067 has occurred

Anyone had the same issue before , is this option compatible with some specific mode of running squid ?

Best Answer

That error indicates "The process terminated unexpectedly". I'd imagine that Squid is failing to start properly and choking on your configuration file. If you attempt to start Squid from a command prompt (versus starting the service) you'll get some more verbose output about the error.

If memory serves you will need to specify the url_rewrite_program with the syntax:

url_rewrite_program C:\\Python27\\python.exe C:\\Squid\\scripts\\1.py

This will escape the slashes, which is what I expect Squid is choking on.

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