Squid proxy server is refusing connections


I am trying to make a squid proxy server accept connections from my ip-

For this I have added the following lines to the config file–

acl mynet src
acl use_ip myip 2604:c00:a:1:0:1:9074:9c80

The first line above refers to my PC (from which I want to use the proxy server), and the second is an IPv6 IP address for the proxy server itself.

To enable usage of the 2 ACL's as given above, the following lines have been added by me to the config file–

http_port 80
http_access allow mynet
http_access allow use_ip

But when I try to use the proxy server, it is refusing connections? Am i missing something here? What is wrong/missing in my config?

UPDATE- Output of this command–

netstat -lnp | grep squid

is given below–

tcp        0      0 :::3128                     :::*                        LISTEN      5285/(squid)
udp        0      0     *                               5285/(squid)
udp        0      0 :::40451                    :::*                                    5285/(squid)

Best Answer

I frequently find I've neglected to reconfigure the firewall.

Try 'service iptables stop' and then try again - it will probably work then.

Don't forget to run 'service iptables start' again afterwards.

If stopping the firewall temporarily fixed it, add a suitable line to your iptables config file (/etc/sysconfig/iptables on my centOS system).

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