Postfix – Implementing Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) for Forwarding Mail


Is there any way to perform SRS, or something similar using Postfix?

When I get a mail from, I forward it (via a catchall) to, but GMail is checking SPF, and seeing that my server is not authorized to send mail on behalf of I'd like to rewrite the sender to something@myserver, while leaving the from as

Best Answer

Here are the steps to install postsrsd from Timo Röhling. These instructions seem to work for many Unix flavors including Ubuntu 14.04.

# Debian/Ubuntu preparations:
sudo apt-get install cmake sysv-rc-conf

# download and compile the software:
cd ~
unzip master
cd postsrsd-master/
sudo make install

# or alternatively install binary from later Ubuntu repositories
sudo apt-get install postsrsd

# Add postfix configuration parameters for postsrsd:
sudo postconf -e "sender_canonical_maps = tcp:"
sudo postconf -e "sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender"
sudo postconf -e "recipient_canonical_maps = tcp:"
sudo postconf -e "recipient_canonical_classes = envelope_recipient"

# Add SRS daemon to startup (Red Hat 6/CentOS):
sudo chkconfig postsrsd on
# Add SRS daemon to startup (Debian/Ubuntu):
sudo sysv-rc-conf postsrsd on
# Start SRS daemon:
sudo service postsrsd restart
#Reload postfix:
sudo service postfix reload