SSD + Hard Disk RAID-0 Efficiency

raidssdwindows 7

Recently I bought a PC that came with a 64GB SSD along with a 300GB 7200 RPM hard disk drive. I thought that they would use the 64GB SSD to install the OS with the HDD acting as a data drive. I was shocked to see that they used a striped raid to combine both drives into one surprisingly fast logical drive.

I never thought of creating a RAID combing the two types of drives. Has anyone else tried this? To me this seems like a great way to get blazing fast boot and general seek times while taking advantage of the cheaper HDDs for extra storage.

Best Answer

Depends on a number of things, I would think. Striping two drives into one does increase the odds of losing data in a failure, so a backup is a must.

It also depends on what data is written where and in what order, although it's probably fast because the OS and early-install stuff is striped across the SSD drive. Eventually larger data files will just hit the slower drive and the benefit will drop off a bit.

If you're just using it as a general-purpose home computer and aren't looking to increase reliability, then yeah, you'd get a hybrid performance machine that will not be as good as pure SSD in performance but better than two 7200 RPM disks.

Have I done it before? No. I wouldn't want to decrease reliability of my system and increase odds of data loss for the sake of faster drive performance. Soon enough using the system will turn into a baseline of performance and I'll forget that it's "faster", and by the time I notice newer drives and bus technologies will still leave me drumming my fingers wishing my word processor launched a fraction of a second quicker.