SSH AllowUsers from particular network


How to allow only certain users to login to an SSH server from a particular network interface?


  • eth0 is "outside", eth1 is "inside".
  • user1 is trusted to login from anywhere
  • user2 is only allowed to login from "inside"

Can't use AllowUsers user1@eth0 because AllowUsers takes a hostname not an interface name.

Other answers on this site suggest something like:

Match address # eth0's network
   AllowUsers user1
Match address # eth1's network
   AllowUsers user1,user2
Match address  # Match's equivalent of a closing brace?

However if eth0 is using a DHCP server to get its address, then it doesn't know in advance that is the right address to put in sshd_config.

(OpenSSH on Ubuntu 12.04 if that makes a difference)

Best Answer

I don't know how to do this in a Match block, and your comment above suggests it's not possible (as does, as you note, the man page).

But if you're sure that you want to do the user restriction by interface - which your questions says you do - you could run two sshds, each having a different sshd_config which directs it to listen on one interface only, controlled by the ListenAddress directive.

The sshd listening on the internal interface could in its config have AllowUsers user1 user2, while that listening on the external interface could have AllowUsers user1. I'd probably do it by group membership and have AllowGroups internal / AllowGroups internal external instead, but that's just me.

Edit: imo, the right way to do this is to run /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config_inside and /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config_outside. Arranging how this works at boot time, and ensuring that your service startup/shutdown files do the right thing, is indeed important, but it is also a perfectly normal thing for a sysadmin to need to do, and to do. It is definitely not necessary to have two binaries, or even the same binary by two different names, to do this.