Amazon EC2 – No SSH After Reboot, Connection Refused

amazon ec2cloudssh

I've replicated this two or three times, so I'm guessing there's something wrong with what I'm doing.

Here are my steps:

  1. Launch new instance via EC2 Management console using: Ubuntu Server 13.10 – ami-ace67f9c (64-bit)
  2. Launch with defaults (using my existing key pair)
  3. The instance starts. I can SSH to it using Putty or the Mac terminal. Success!
  4. I reboot the instance
  5. 10 minutes later, when the instance should be back up and running, my terminal connection shows:

    stead:~ stead$ ssh -v -i Dropbox/SteadCloud3.pem ubuntu@
    OpenSSH_5.6p1, Op`enSSL 0.9.8y 5 Feb 2013
    debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config
    debug1: Applying options for *
    debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
    debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection refused
    ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
    stead:~ stead$

Fine, I understand that the public IP address can change, so checking the EC2 management console, I verify that it is the same. Weird. Just for fun, I try connecting with public DNS hostname: No dice, same result.

Even using the Connect via Java SSH client built into the EC2 console, I get Connection Refused.

I checked the security groups. This instance is in group launch-wizard-4. Looking at the inbound configuration for this group, Port 22 is allowed in from, so that should be anywhere. I know that I'm hitting my instance and this is the right security group, because I can't ping the instance. If I enable ICMP for this security group, all of a sudden my pings go through.

I've found a few other posts around the internet with similar error messages, but most seem to be easily resolved by tweaking the firewall settings. I've tried a few of these, with no luck.

I'm guessing there's a simple EC2 step I'm missing. Thanks for any help you can give, and I'm happy to provide more information or test further!

Update – Here are my system logs from the Amazon EC2 console:

Best Answer

Had a similar behavior today on my ec2 instance, and tracked down the thing to this: when I do sudo reboot now the machine hangs and I have to restart it manually from the aws management console when I do sudo reboot it reboots just fine. Apparently "now" is not a valid option for reboot as pointed out here
