Ssh – Can’t SSH to VPS (timeout)


I was able to SSH into my VPS earlier today, and made no major changes. However now when I attempt to SSH into my VPS it doesn't even ask me for my password it just times out.

If I open the serial console and attempt to SSH via localhost it works fine. I have also pinged my hostname and ip address and both of these show the server is up.

Does anyone know what could be causing this?

Best Answer

Things to check:

  1. Check your route; on your client run traceroute <ip>
  2. Check your name resolution; on your client and server run dig <hostname>
  3. Check your firewall; on your server run iptables --list (test ssh with your client firewall disabled as well)
  4. Restart the service; /etc/init.d/sshd restart (or whatever is appropriate for your distro)

Beyond those issues there could be a few more, including errors or outages at the VPS provider.

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