Ssh – Compute Engine SSH unexpected end-of-file during FileZilla SFTP authentication


I cannot get Filezilla to connect to my SSH instances at Google Cloud Compute Engine.

I followed the instructions for previous instances without issue, but in this case, I deleted two Ubuntu 16.04 server instances from my project so that I could recreate them with Cloud Storage Read/Write enabled.

Even after manually creating the keys and placing them in the Metadata page for my project, I cannot connect FileZilla to my instances. I get the error: "Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server."

I have tried both root@instance and root as my -C [USERNAME] but neither works.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

There is a nice step by step configuration guide to setup Filezilla and use it on GCE here. An easy and automated way to configure the keys is by using “gcloud compute ssh”. If the keys do not exists, the tool will generate them and configure them in the project’s metadata. The keys are placed in the local “.ssh” directory

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