Ssh – Connecting to Amazon AWS over SSH via IPv6

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For the past couple weeks I tried configuring an AWS Instance to be reachable via IPv6. However I can't seem to connect to this Machine (Ubuntu Server 16) using an SSH Connection.

Heres what I did so far:

  • I created a public VPC with an IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR Block.

  • Therein lies a subnet with autoassigned IPv4 and 6 Adresses

  • I created an Internet-Gateway (IGW) and had the routing Tables point all outgoing traffic to it:
    Routing Table

  • I set up the ACL to allow ALL incoming SSH Traffic: ACL

Now, while I can access the machine unsing it's public IPv4 Adress and DNS-Name, I can't establish a connection via IPv6

Am I missing a step in configuration or is IPv6 not fully supported in my AWS Region yet? (eu-central-1)


The Instance does have an IPv6 Adress and it's security group allows inbound SSH Connections:


Yet whenever I try to connect to it via its IPv6 adress, I get a "Network is unreachable" Error

Best Answer

A colleague of mine figured it out eventually.

Turns out all I had to do was to manually invoke

sudo dhclient -6

to force a dhcp lookup over IPv6.

Since the interface already showed an ipv6 address I assumed that DHCP was working.

Regardless, I am glad we got it working and I hope this information can help other people avoid this issue.

Regards Ollowain

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