Ssh – Deny SSH connection with message


I'd like to allow only certain hosts to connect to my server via SSH, and reject the rest with a friendly error message. Authorized users of the system will generally be non-technical, accessing this system via Filezilla.

I thought I could do this with TCP Wrappers, but when I enter the below into my hosts.deny, the client just gets the error message "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"

sshd : ALL \
  : twist /bin/echo "Sorry, but your host is not allowed to connect to this server." \
  : deny

I came across a script, SSH Twist, which seemed to address this problem, but I just see the same error on the client.

For what it's worth, I'm testing on RHEL 6.1 with OpenSSH 5.3p1.

Best Answer

SSH Twist looks like a bit of a hack, and I wouldn't bet on it working with all sshd versions — it makes an assumption about what it can send during session establishment that isn't necessarily true.

It's a little ugly, but you can do something like this in sshd_config:

Match Host allowedhost1
Match Host allowedhost2
# one for each host (or hostname pattern or address range) permitted
# no commands in them, just the match entries
# this just makes sure they don't fall into the following catch-all

Match Host *
    Banner /etc/ssh/refuse_msg
    DenyUsers *