Ssh – DES warning message when connecting to Cisco ASA via SSH


I had to replace a Cisco ASA 5510 that died.

I have everything back up and running however when I connect to the ASA via SSH (through Putty), I receive the following warning message:

"The first cipher supported by the server is single-DES, which is below the configured warning threshold. Do you want to continue with this connection?"

I have tried to solve this by recreating the security keys with the following two commands

crypto key zeroize rsa
crypto key generate rsa noconfirm

However nothing has changed. I still receive the warning message when I connect via SSH.

Best Answer

Issuing the following seems to have resolved the problem. Am I correct is assuiming that I'm now using the more secure key? I never had the "ssh version 2" command running on my ASA 5510 that died on me. Perhaps there was a stronger key originally generated on it using sparks answer?

config t
ssh version 2