Ssh – Duplicity – how to put passphrase in command


I've tried a number of obvious commands as detailed in Duplicity Man page to do this but it doesn't seem to work.


I'm SSH'ing to a machine, then running Duplicity; below is the command, of sorts:-

ssh -i /keys/key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@ipAddress "sudo duplicity --s3-european-buckets --s3-use-new-style /local/dir/stuff s3+http://bucket/dir/"

Problem is, it's always asking for a passphrase, and I want to run this as an automated process without CLi user replies. The man page's only precise reference is to the environment variable PASSPHRASE, but makes little mention (with encrypt-key or sign-key which seem different) how this can be set.

NOTE: It's asking for GnuPG passphrase

Best Answer

you can pass environment variables using env(1):

env PASSPHRASE=.... duplicity ...