ssh telnet emulator – How to Emulate Telnet Over SSH


I have a client/server application that work over a telnet connection, and it does not support SSH. Basically the client opens a telnet connection to the server, which starts a specific shell, and the client sends commands over the telnet connection to that shell. The problem is that I need to make this work over a ssh connection, and the remote server does not have telnet services, so I cannot use a tunnel over the ssh connection. I need some kind of telnet emulator that will offer a telnet endpoint to the client, while connecting through ssh to the server. Is there any way to do this?


Best Answer

That's a normal case for port forwarding over ssh.

A server <ip> has ssh endpoint opened and an application server listening on Telnet port 23.

A client has an application client which should connect to <ip>:23. Also client has nothing listening on port 23.

Let's establish port forwarding from server to client:

ssh -N -L 23: user@<ip> >/dev/null 2>&1 & 

Here we:

  • connect to the server <ip> as user user;
  • put ssh session into background;
  • redirect ssh session's output into /dev/null to avoid any messages on console;
  • forward port 23 from the server's localhost to the client (your application server should listen on all IP interfaces, including

Now application client should connect to the address to work with the application server.


As per explanations, we have a telnet only capable client software and ssh only capable server. And client should be able to access the server.

As it happens, such solution does exist. From manual:

SSH/Telnet gateway

In the Telnet-DeleGate (DeleGate server for Telnet clients), a host name prefixed with "-ssh" and "." (as "") implies a SSH server on the host. In access to such a server, Telnet-DeleGate works as a gateway between the SSH server and a Telnet client. For example, using a Telnet-DeleGate configured like follows, Telnet clients can login to a SSH server on host as user as follows:

% delegated -P8023 SERVER=telnet://-ssh
% telnet -l user@host localhost 8023

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