Ssh – Enable password login for SFTP while keeping authentication by SSH keys


How do I keep a password login enabled for SFTP transactions (made by Drupal, if this is important) while keeping it disabled for all other SSH key based authentications? Currently all the existing users of the CentOS server use keys to log in and /etc/ssh/sshd_config has PasswordAuthentication no)?

Best Answer

From what I gather you want to permit passwords from some users, but not others?
You could setup a Match block. So your config might look something like below.

PasswordAuthentication no
Match user drupalsftp
    PasswordAuthentication yes

Since you mentioned these password-based transactions are happening from drupal, perhaps you could whitelist based on the host address? Match address

You should even be able to combine the criteria, and say only a specific account from a specific address can do password authentication.

PasswordAuthentication no
Match user drupalsftp address
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    # also since we want only sftp
    ForceCommand internal-sftp
