Security – Fixing Constant Bans by Fail2ban and Denyhosts on Ubuntu


I just got an Ubuntu instance on Linode. To secure the SSH on it, I installed fail2ban (using apt-get), but then had a problem: fail2ban kept banning my IP (for limited durations, thankfully) even though I was entering the correct password. So I removed fail2ban and installed denyhosts instead. Same problem, but more severe: It seems like every time I SSH in, my IP gets banned. I remove it from /etc/hosts.deny, restart denyhosts and log in again, and my IP gets banned again.

The only explanation I can think of is that I've been SSH-ing in as root (yes, yes, I know); maybe something is set somewhere that blocks anyone who SSH-es in as root, even if they log in successfully? This seems bizarre to me. Any ideas? (Whitelisting my IP is a temporary fix. I don't want to only be able to log on from one IP.)

Best Answer

I believe I've seen someone say that some of those apps will count failed key logins as a brute force attempt. Do you have an ssh-agent running with keys in it? Connecting with that set will offer every key in turn before falling back to password, so that might be why. Try setting sshd's log level higher, and check fail2ban/denyhost logs.

Edit: here is the original source that tipped me off, with a way to fix it.