Ssh – Google Cloud Services – unable to SSH into instance at all


I am unable to SSH into my instance on the Google Cloud Services.

I am not very well versed in VM management and troubleshooting, but have tried everything I knew, and google could provide to me including:

  • Attempting to SSH from an external program
  • Copying and mounting the disks on a new instance
  • Connecting to both using the serial console
  • Try all of above in a different hosting location

No matter what I try, the only result is a loading symbol followed by this:

The key transfer to project metadata is taking an unusually long time. Transferring instead to instance metadata may be faster, but will transfer the keys only to this VM. If you wish to SSH into other VMs from this VM, you will need to transfer the keys accordingly.

I can't do this, as I don't have the private key that is used by GCloud to SSH into the instance, and using PuTTY simply is not working, as any Public Keys given to the server by me don't work at all.

Best Answer

Google have developed a troubleshooting script for VM instances having problems with SSH connectivity. Here is the link: