Ssh – How does one escape the ” ` ” (accent grave/backtick) in a path


I tend to prefix oft-used files and folders with the "accent grave" character (non-shift tilde, the back-tick, or plain-old accent, whathaveyou..), as it is easy to get at, and let's me sort things alphabetically, while letting me choose to show a few items on the top. It works nicely, except when I go to access these files via the CLI or SSH/SCP.

If I try to run a command, calling the file unescaped ↝ it kicks me into an interactive session.. for example ↯

# scp -r dns.local:/`Downloads/CrazyRussianCars/ ~/

Yet if I try the logical solution ↯

# scp -r dns.local:/\`Downloads/CrazyRussianCars/ ~/
bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``'
bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

I know the "new" rule is to use a syntax like export NOW=$(date) vs export NOW=
`date` (in fact, I had a bear of a time even writing the latter in SE MD syntax…) but this is unrelated to the ENV or any script…

Note: This is a Mac OS X environment, but that said, the GUI has never had a problem dealing with this character on a day-to-day basis, and usually, if there's going to be a syntax problem in the Terminal, Apple does a pretty good job of disabling the behavior in the GUI… Not sure if this is a bug, or if the technique for dealing with such paths is simply obscure.. but so far, I have been un-able to find a way "to escape it"?

Best Answer

You can use 3 backslashes as mentioned by Jed Daniels or you can wrap it in single quotes (') and use a single backslash.

Example of both are below.

$ touch dir/'`rik' 
$ ls -l dir
total 1865376
-rw-r--r--  1 rik  staff          0 Jul  1 09:51 `rik 
$ scp localhost:dir/\\\`rik ./ `rik         
100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00     
$ scp localhost:dir/'\`rik' ./ `rik     
100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00     