Ssh – How to automate google-authenticator MFA configuration for SSH access


At my company we currently have a SSH jump server of sorts, through which our workers access our clients' server endpoints. We have setup a couple of Ansible playbooks that essentially create/remove/update users access to that Jump server, by creating user accounts and setting public-key based access to it.

I'm now trying to implement MFA using google-authenticator in that server. I've been through this tutorial that effectively covers the procedure of adding MFA keyboard-interactive protection to SSH access for a given user, but I was wondering how I could automate that procedure as to integrate it with our current workflow.

The points I'm struggling with are the following:

  • at some point in the tutorial's procedures, there's a 2D QR code output in the bash along with a bunch of safeguard access codes in case MFA borks up or fails. I understand it uses libqrencode for this purpose. I was wondering if there would be any way I could use Ansible to maybe place this output in an email and send it to the users being set-up.
  • also, for the above effect, I would require each user's email address. Currently, the users are managed only via their username/handle (ie, jdoe). Is there anyway I could add and maintain their email address info to the user account in Linux?

I know this question covers a lot of info, but rather than a canonical answer (that probably isn't even possible) I'm looking for solid pointers on where too look for information and hopefully that someone can also highlight any pitfalls with my idea/approach as this is all very new to me and I'm a bit lost.

After investigating these topics for a while, I decided I should use a slightly different method/approach to this automation.

I'll still use the Google Authenticator PAM, but I decided to make the setup process easier by not notifying the users via email when their accounts are setup with MFA, but rather allow them access via RSA key on their first SSH access, but immediately force them to setup their own MFA as per the tutorial above. This is achieved by running a command on SSH access. All following accesses would then require MFA, and I can configure the SSH host to verify if a MFA config file is present in the user's home folder. If it's present, the user has configured MFA and may proceed if MFA checks out valid; else, the user's MFA access hasn't been configured and the user will be prompted to set it up when accessing via SSH.

I feel it's robust enough as I'm covering the MFA not being configured (ie, google_authenticator file missing in the user's home dir), or it being tampered with (the MFA validation will fail). If anyone knows any pitfalls on my approach it would be very helpful!

Best Answer

You can do whatever you like in Ansible, it just may take some shell scripts where there is not a module that does what you want.

Copying over a pre-existing ~/.google_authenticator file is easy.

If the user generates the first secret on the system in question, they have to authenticate first. The explains how to allow auth if no secret exists for the user:

During the initial roll-out process, you might find that not all users have created a secret key yet. If you would still like them to be able to log in, you can pass the "nullok" option on the module's command line:

auth required nullok

The qrcodes are not mysterious, they are otpauth URIs. With a known secret you can generate these yourself. (The neat ASCII color trick that google-authenticator uses will not translate well to email.)

For a user to email mapping, implment a directory server. Eventually you can't just tack one domain name to a user name, although that might work in simple environments. I suppose you could also set up aliases on the host such that went to the correct person.

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