Ssh – How to background a nohup process using parallel ssh


This command works:

parallel-ssh -i -O 'IdentityFile=control.pem' -l control  -H 'nohup /home/hubot/' 2>&1

When I log onto my server, ps shows me that the runHubot script is running. However, this command is not backgrounded so it doesn't return to parallel-ssh

The same command, just with a single & appended to nohup doesn't work. Why?

parallel-ssh -i -O 'IdentityFile=control.pem' -l control  -H 'nohup /home/hubot/ &' 2>&1

This command returns to parallel-ssh, but the hubot script isn't in my ps output.

How can I background this process using parallel-ssh (switching to another program is not an option)?

Best Answer

Do you see it in ps -elf or ps aux? ps may only be showing you processes with a terminal.