Ssh – How to configure ssh key based authentication in openssh running on cygwin


I was able to install and configure openssh on cygwin and is running just right but with one problem: I cannot use private/public key authentication, it just doesnt work.

I followed the same steps as on Linux, adding my key to ~/.ssh/authorized_Keys but it does not pick it up.

Also I checked /var/log/sshd.log but it is empty and has this rights:

-rw-r--r-- 1 cyg_server    None      0 Aug 21 12:53 sshd.log

drwx------+ 1 Administrator None    0 Aug 21 12:57 .ssh

-rw-r--r--  1 Administrator None  395 Aug 21 12:57 authorized_hosts

What am I missing?

Best Answer

If the file name is acually ~/.ssh/authorized_Keys, then you need to lowercase the K in the filename

If that's not it, try doing ssh -v to the system. That should give you some more information.