Ssh – How to configure SSHD on CoreOS after installation


I've got the CoreOS running and I would like to remove the ability to login using passwords to the sshd.
I went through the docs of the CoreOS in here, but I am quite new to the systemd. I went through the man page, but I am a bit lost on it.
I know I have to create a dropin file inside /etc/system.d/system/, but I have no idea, in which section of the file, should I put the PasswordAuthentication no option. Since I work remotely, I don't want to screw up and not be able to login again…

I would be grateful for some guidance.

Best Answer

After having a chat on #coreos on freenode, I have learned the simples thing of all.

/etc is not read only, but sshd_config is a symlink to a file on /usr which is. I just had to remove the symlink and create the file by hand... eh.