Ssh – How to connect to MySQL when it’s setting behind 2 layers of ssh


I have a MySQL server sitting behind a bastion server that I wish to connect to from my local machine.

Ideally I want to port-forward the MySQL port (3316 in this case) to a local port on my machine.

I've tried plink -ssh -L 3306:my.sql.ip.address:3316 my.bastion.server
,but this is not working.

I've got one ssh login for the bastion server and another login for the machine mysql server is running on.

Best Answer

You can double-chain SSH port forwards, bit a slightly easier method is to set up a "proxy" config in .ssh/config:

Host *%proxy
    ProxyCommand ssh "nc -w1 $(echo %h | cut -d%% -f1) 22"
    ForwardAgent yes
    StrictHostKeyChecking no

Then use ssh -L 3306: to bring up the seesion.

I use this all the time, although normally with dyanamic port forwards (-D 1080) to get to management modules of hosts behind overly restrictive firewalls.