Ssh – How to disconnect idle SFTP users


I have a SFTP server, where clients connect every minute to exchange files. There are few clients who connect and then dont disconnect resulting in a lot of connections over a period of time. This is choking up the CPU. I have set ClientAliveInterval and ClientAliveCountMax in sshd_config which disconnects idle ssh connection after a certain period, but id doesnt seem to disconnect the idle sftp connections. How do I force idle sftp connections to disconnect?

Best Answer

Try this step by step:

pstree -p -- the whole process tree will be displayed.

w - Who is doing what. - may be this will not be necessary (or maybe you can get the idle times for the users.)

ps aux| grep sshd

Try to get the process id of sshd session, which is the parent process of the sftp server. You can get a user's sftp process id from ps aux | grep sshd, the kill its parent process:

ps output will be like:

root@server:/# ps aux | grep ssh
root      3531  0.0  0.0   5312  1012 ?        Ss   Jan02   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
root     24034  0.0  0.1   8052  2412 ?        Ss   13:24   0:00 sshd: metin [priv]
metin    24039  0.0  0.0   8052  1500 ?        S    13:24   0:00 sshd: metin@notty
metin    24042  0.0  0.0   4568  1240 ?        Ss   13:24   0:00 /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
root     24043  0.0  0.1   8052  2632 ?        Ss   13:24   0:00 sshd: metin [priv]
metin    24048  0.0  0.0   8052  1532 ?        S    13:24   0:00 sshd: metin@pts/0
root     24109  0.0  0.0   3000   748 pts/0    R+   13:26   0:00 grep ssh

pstree -p output will be like:

        │               ├─apache2(23846)
        │               ├─apache2(23913)
        │               ├─apache2(23998)
        │               ├─apache2(24000)
        │               ├─apache2(24025)
        │               ├─apache2(24028)
        │               ├─apache2(24073)
        │               ├─apache2(24074)
        │               └─apache2(24075)
        │                                         ├─authdaemond(3736)
        │                                         ├─authdaemond(3738)
        │                                         ├─authdaemond(3740)
        │                                         └─authdaemond(3741)
        │              ├─qmgr(3885)
        │              └─tlsmgr(4144)
        │                   └─mysqld(3633)─┬─{mysqld}(3637)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(3638)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(3639)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(3640)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(3642)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(3643)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(3644)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(3655)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(861)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(17322)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(18125)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(18872)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(21229)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(23352)
        │                                  ├─{mysqld}(23353)
        │                                  └─{mysqld}(23370)
        │             ├─{named}(3505)
        │             └─{named}(3506)
        │                 ├─saslauthd(3914)
        │                 ├─saslauthd(3915)
        │                 └─saslauthd(3916)
        │          ├─sshd(24043)───sshd(24048)───bash(24050)───su(24077)───bash(24078)───ps+
        │            └─sshd(24094)───sshd(24099)───sftp-server(24101)

And you're going to do kill 24034, because it is parent sshd session for the process user "metin" have been using as process 24042 (take a look at ps output above).

And also you can get their status (Idle, sleep, active and etc.) from the output of the ps.

If you want to do this automatically, I don't know any software for this, but you can write your own script.