Ssh – How to get color output from SSH command


I'm trying to run some commands remotely and recieve the output back with color. What am I missing?

Here's what I've got so far:

. /etc/profile
[[ -f ~/.profile ]] && . ~/.profile;
[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc;
echo "hello remote"
cd /vagrant/repositories/repo
phpunit --color

I'm piping the script into ssh as follows:

cat | ssh vagrant@localhost /bin/bash -s

Best Answer

Yes, it is possible using -tt switches, which will force TTY allocation and it will trick the remote program to write also the colors. Minimal test I can run on my system:

Without colors:

ssh localhost "cowsay hello | lolcat"

With colors:

ssh -tt localhost "cowsay hello | lolcat"