Ssh – How to properly configure OS X Server 10.7.4 for SSH (password)


Is there a setting somewhere that overrides the user password for SSH? Whenever I try to login via password to my os x server I get an error message in secure.log ->

Failed password for < user > from < ip > port < port > ssh2

The password is correct, I can use it locally on the server. What is going on here? Logging in via public key works fine. If I enabled PAM, I just get a different version of the same message:

error: PAM: permission denied for < user > from < client IP > via < server IP >

I am a dunce when it comes to server related things. Could someone tell me what I should be looking for? Nothing strange is output from running ssh -vvv

Best Answer

In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, PasswordAuthentication should be set to yes.

You will need to restart ssh after making this change.

It should be mentioned that the reason it's difficult to search for instructions on how to do this is that all the tutorials out there are for how to disable password authentication. There's a reason people prefer it disabled. It requires a little more initial setup but it is a more secure configuration.