SSH – How to Revoke an SSH Certificate


I've generated an ssh certificate like this:

  1. ssh-keygen -f ca_key # generate a ssh keypair for use as a certificate
  2. generate a host key ssh-keygen -s ca_key -I cert_identifier -h
  3. specify the host key in the server's sshd config file: TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/ssh_cert/
  4. generate a local certificate to access the host using an ssh certificate: ssh-keygen -s ca_key -I cert_identifier This should generate

I can now log into the server using ssh -i user_key user@host (which uses How can I revoke the certificate other than disabling the TrustedUserCAKeys file?

Best Answer

sshd_config has a RevokedKeys file. You can list multiple keys or certificates in it, one per line. In the future, OpenSSH will support revocation by certificate serial number, which will make for much smaller revocation lists.