Ssh – How to set up a secure Git repository


I followed this tutorial to set up a git repository on an EC2 instance. Basically, I add a new git user and include my public key in authorized_keys. After setting up the git user, I just initialize a new repo by git init --bare.

However, I've noticed that I can clone it easily without needing my private key. Is there a way to force it to only be available via SSH so authorized_keys is followed? I'm guessing it's using the default of git which is port 9418 which doesn't seem to support authentication.

Best Answer

Port 9814 is where git-daemon runs (e.g clone, git clone git:// This is meant for an internal git repository. Read the documentation for more details.

You have 2 other options for setting up a remote git server:

  • SSH server: git clone ssh://
  • HTTP server git clone

SSH is a lot easier to setup. You just need to make sure all contributors have access to the SSH account. This is normally done via SSH keys---each developer adds their public key to a git SSH account.

Just remember:

  • Specify the protocol in your command (i.e., ssh, git, http or https).
  • Make sure you have firewall setup correctly:
    • Usually port 22 for ssh
    • Usually port 443 for https
    • The other two should be avoided but, for ref, port 9814 for gitand port 80 for http