Ssh – hpn-ssh on Debian 8 (Jessie)


I'm refering this this project:

I'm running Debian 8, with OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-5+deb8u1, OpenSSL 1.0.1k 8 Jan 2015 and hpn-ssh doesn't have a patch for this version, does that mean I have to somehow downgrade openSSH and then compile an older version of openSSH?

Doesn't seem like the most secure option.

If so how would I go about doing this. (or is there a better way to copy large files quickly)

Best Answer

Rather than downgrading, you could consider updating to the openSSH packages available in stretch (7.1), as I can see that HPN-SSH has patches available for that version at (I wonder why 6.7 is skipped?) In theory this is a bit risky as you're not using the declared stable packages, but in practice testing is pretty damn stable itself - debian's quite conservative about what goes into the repositories and what's considered stable.

In short - add the stretch repositories to your apt sources, set pinning information in apt preferences so apt will still prefer packages from stable, and then manually get the packages from testing by referring to them as openssh/testing in your apt commands.

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