SSH into a virtual IP

clusterload balancingssh

I am attempting to SSH into a virtual IP on a loadbalancer. I want to connect to this virtual host name and have it connect me to one of the virtual hosts. The problem is when I try to ssh to the virtual IP, one of the actual IPs respons (reseting my connection).

Is there a way to configure the network to allow an ssh connection to the virtual host-name and have it connect me to one of the hosts?

eg network: — server-cluster01
– .4 — server01
– .5 — server02
– .6 — management

Managment's host file contains the entry for the server-cluster01.

From managment box:

root@managment~: ssh server-cluster01

From the monitoring tools I get -> syn -> ack -> rst

Best Answer

This handshake should look similarly wrong for any TCP connection to the cluster, not specifically for ssh. (And in fact the same problem should occur for udp). Can yuo confirm (by sniffing) that other (working) services continue the handshake with the virtual address or with one of the member addresses?

(Sorry, this should be a comment, but I can't)