Is Fail2Ban Safe? Comparison with SSH Keys


I'm in doubt if I should use key authentication when logging into SSH, or just go for fail2ban + ssh (root login disabled).

Is fail2ban safe or is it really better to just go ahead and generate keys and config that on all my client machines that need to connect to ssh?

Best Answer

I judge it as a stable product and I regard it as safe. As an extra precaution I would add your source IP address to the ignoreip directive in the jails.conf to make sure you don't block yourself.

Since it parses the ssh logs a TCP session is going to have to be established so spoofing source IPs and getting the TCP sequences numbers right to create a sort of backscatter variation seems unlikely.

Using keys on top of this as well isn't a bad idea. Other options that help are moving ssh to a nonstandard IP, using the "recent" iptables module, or just deciding you don't care if people try to brute force passwords. See this serverfault post for more on these.